Work on the present ofyour company to guarantee your future.




The operational improvement consists of making the daily operations of a company more efficient. Part of its success is based on finding where the value of them is and being able to optimize them.

Once the strategic plan is in place, with objectives and strategies, the operational improvement will focus on what happens in each area of the company.

Improvements include detecting:

  • What are the main processes?
  • What are the projects to be carried out?
  • What actions will be carried out?
  • Who are the people who make these actions possible?

At Drew, we believe that an operational improvement allows us to increase productivity and make the organization more efficient, which is a fundamental premise that is pursued in all companies.


"Operational improvement allows working with processes that guarantee better and more profitable results"


Who pays for the inefficiencies of business operations?

In the continuous improvement of business processes, it is vital to be able to identify the activities that add value to focus efforts on them.

Manage the critical processes of your company.

In operational improvement, first of all, critical processes are identified and formalized.

It is important to remember that a critical process has priority over others, either because its importance is greater or because it has certain flaws that must be modified. It demands more attention when it is vital for the operation of the company, or because it is experiencing a problem that needs to be resolved urgently, since it may put the proper functioning of the organization at risk.

Formalizing critical processes means determining:

  • What are the critical tasks in the process?
  • Who is responsible for the process?
  • What people are involved in the process?
  • What is the chain of tasks to perform?
  • What are the main indicators and where will they be shown?




Implement the necessary projects for change.

When the processes have already been identified, the next step is to determine the management methodologies of the different projects that make it possible to improve these processes.

In this part, we will consider:

  • What projects will be implemented?
  • Who will be responsible?
  • What methodologies will be used?

We will work on the correct management of the project, anticipating its scope, assigned budget, and objectives that must be met.

It is important to clarify that there is no methodology applicable to all projects, but they are the ones that determine the methodology. Some of them can be Waterfall, Agile, Kanban, Scrum, and PRINCE2.

Work on what adds value.


When we work on operational improvement, the purpose is to make the organization centralized in value. In other words, the tasks we carry out will make a substantial contribution to the strategic objectives: all actions lead to the achievement of a result, so nothing is left to chance.

By formalizing the processes and identifying the necessary projects that support the strategic objectives of the organization, all the actions carried out to pursue a purpose are intrinsically linked to each other.

In this way, we make efforts where they are really necessary: especially, where the organization's customers pursue its value.


Improve the satisfaction of those people who make your company possible.

Once you have worked on adding value, improving the satisfaction of human capital is one of the most notable consequences. After all, people are the ones who make the success of organizations possible.

We face a business world that changes every day. However, people tend to be averse to change, so we provide the necessary tools to work in the different scenarios that may arise.

At Drew, we believe that our task is useless without the satisfaction of the people involved, both internally (employees) and externally (customers).

Therefore, we believe that training employees is essential to manage the change processes that take place in your company.

Make the future of your company a reality.

The achievement of steps allows us to fulfill the premise with which we began this journey: to make the organization's strategic plan a reality. Operational improvement is successful when it has been aligned, that is, there is correspondence between strategic objectives, supported by operational objectives, and the processes and projects have been formalized and improved.

In this way, operational improvement is sustained by all the steps that are carried out after strategic planning and operational planning.

From Drew, we seek to work side by side in improving the daily activities of companies such as your company.


Together every step of the way.


Strategic planning

It involves the planning and management of the company at the managerial level and is then communicated to all the employees. It implies the definition of objectives and strategies that are intended to be met in the long term. Where do you want to go as a company?






Operational planning

It takes place at managerial levels. It involves the definition of objectives, strategies, and indicators of each area. The current processes and projects in each area are identified and which one supports a particular operational objective is defined, as well as which of them are priorities, and the indicators to follow up on them are materialized.





Operational improvement


It implies the alignment of the daily operation both at a strategic and operational level. In other words, it is part of the daily work of each of the employees. The improvement is present through the formalization of processes, project management methodology, several pieces of training, and the implementation of software tools that are necessary.


Implementation of solutions


In some cases, the operational improvement may involve the support of the processes in software tools to increase the productivity and efficiency of the company, although its implementation must be an integral solution after evaluating its possibility of implementation.







At Drew, we follow up step by step. This task is shared since we take on the role of an advisor while the customer will carry out the strategic planning. Our purpose is to be present at each stage to guide, suggest and accompany. We do not impose a model to follow, but it is a joint effort with the companies that choose us.

Our commitment.

We are a team that redesigns, optimizes, and enhances the way your company works. We work in a personalized and collaborative way to achieve the growth you are looking for in your company.

More than 5 years of experience.

Since 2016 helping companies improve their way of working. We seek to create more competitive companies, so they can do more with less.

Based on results.

We do not charge per hour. Each company is a different world, each company has a different structure; and therefore, we act accordingly.

More than 200 delivered projects.

We have a solid commitment to the work we do, putting the satisfaction of our customers first and last.

People at the center.

It is what motivates us. And it is also what moves your company, we want to transform the way companies think about their main values.



Present in more than 17 countries.

We provide our services globally to companies throughout LATAM as well as in Europe and the United States.

Continuous added value.

Information empowers, and that is why we are highly committed to providing valuable, useful, and continuous content.

Don't just take our word for it.


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